Whole Genome Sequencing Solutions: Common Faqs

19 August 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

The human genome features the DNA inside of the nucleus of a cell, and this genome can tell you a lot about who you are, who you may be related to, and what risks you face for certain illnesses or health problems. Here is a look at some of the things you may want to know about whole-genome sequencing solutions

How much does it cost to have whole genome sequencing performed?

Genome sequencing used to be so expensive that it was a process only reserved for either the wealthy or for  large organizations. However, the costs have grown increasingly more affordable over the last several years. In 2019, the cost for genome data analysis dipped below $1,000 per person. 

What are the advantages of genome sequencing for the average individual?

Whole-genome sequencing can bring about several advantages for the average individual. However, the most noteworthy advantage is the fact that individuals who submit samples for testing can get a broad look at some of the genetic issues that may be associated with their profiles. For example, an individual may learn that they have a higher risk for a certain genetic-related disease or that their children could be more at risk than most for certain genetic deformities. 

How is genotyping different from whole-genome sequencing?

Genotyping and genome sequencing are both heavily used when speaking about DNA, but the two techniques are slightly different in how they are performed and in what information they can gather. Genotyping is done to look at the general genetic variations in a individual's DNA, but the process is not so in-depth or telling as genome sequencing. Genome sequencing involves determining precise sequences of different elements in a section of DNA.

In other words, you would get a more detailed look at the genetic makeup of your body through whole-genome sequencing than what you would with typical genotyping. Genotyping can be helpful in determining relationships with other individuals, but sequencing offers far more information about your body and what predisposed genetic issues could be present as well.

How accurate is whole genome sequencing?

Whole-genome sequencing is considered to be highly accurate. However, the proposed medical or health risks offered should not be considered concrete proof that you have or will eventually have an illness or disease. Even though genetic markers can be helpful at pointing out your risks for certain ailments, these are typically risks and not precise diagnoses, which should be trusted to a medical professional 
