How The Internet Is Making Safety On Construction Sites Even Easier

8 December 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

Construction used to be quite a dangerous profession, and everyone is familiar with those famous photos of men sitting above the New York skyline, dangling precariously on a steel beam as they eat their lunch. That epitomized the relaxed nature of the job when it came to safety, but thankfully this has shifted dramatically in the decades that have followed. Now, the internet has made safety even easier to ensure on all construction sites with the ability to take safety courses from wherever you can get a WiFi signal. Read More 

5 Things To Look For When Buying Vintage Estate Jewelry

8 December 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

Estate jewelry is an excellent chance to buy antique jewelry that is both stunning and a good financial investment. But in order to benefit from this opportunity, you must be able to identify true vintage items and avoid reproductions and modern variations. How can you do this? Here are five things to look for. 1. Signs of Wear Any piece of jewelry from prior decades should show at least a little wear and tear. Read More 

Four Reasons To Hire A Part Time CFO Service For Your Company

25 October 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

Ensuring that your company's financial management needs are being met can be a critical operation for avoiding cost overages and losses due to poor practices. A CFO can be a valuable position for addressing these needs. For mid-sized businesses, it may not make sense to hire a full-time CFO to join the company, but there are part time CFO services that can help to fill this need. Stay Flexible With Part Time CFO Services Read More 

Understanding Types Of Property Liens

15 September 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

A lien is a type of loan that is connected to the house, and they come in many forms. Regardless of the type of lien, however, a lien follows the home, not the homeowner, which can make selling difficult. If you would like to know more, check out these three common types of property liens. 1. Tax Lien Tax liens may include property taxes or federal taxes that you have yet to pay. Read More 

Invitation Supplies And Preparation And Organization Techniques

9 August 2021
 Categories: Business, Blog

If a few special events are coming up that you plan on hosting group celebrations for, purchasing a series of paper products and a desktop organizer will help you prepare and organize each batch of invitations. An Informal Or Impromptu Event If you will be throwing together a gathering quickly and will only be inviting a few close family members and friends, invitations can either be written out on stationery or on card sheets that each contain a blank field for handwritten details. Read More