Getting To Know A Fire Protection Engineer & Their Value For Your Business

5 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you consider people who work in the field of fighting fire, you probably imagine firefighters alone if you are like the average business owner. However, there are other people who are just as important in fire safety and fire protection. Fire protection engineers serve a highly valuable purpose in the field, and as a business owner, this is a type of consultant that you really should get to know for the benefit of your business and the people in it. Read More 

What Should You Know about the Process (and Legality) of Prescreening Your Employees?

23 February 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If you've recently made the decision to expand your small business and hire non-family members as employees, you may be wondering where to begin. While posting "help wanted" ads in your local newspaper and online and contacting a temp agency may give you a large pool of prospective employees, sorting through and picking out the few who will help bring your business to the next level of success can be tricky. Read More 

How To Add A Decorative Wooden Facade To A Chain Link Fence

8 December 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you want to add a new look to your chain link fence, then you can perform an easy, fast and inexpensive upgrade yourself. This project adds a wood facade to your horizontal and vertical metal fence poles. It won't affect the utility of your fence, and you will also be pleased with the visual appeal offered by the upgrade. Below is a list of tools and materials that you need, as well as a simple, step-by-step procedure to follow: Read More 

Making Sure Your Feathered Friends Safely Move Nest

14 April 2015
 Categories: , Articles

In the United States, 3.1 percent of households own a pet bird. What's more, when those homes own birds, the average number of animals in each property is around 2.3. Many of these families must therefore consider the prospect of household moving while they own pet birds, but the process isn't as simple as you might imagine. If you're one of the 3.6 million Americans who own a pet bird, make sure you get everyone to your new home safely with this simple guide to moving your feathered friends. Read More 

2 Signs Your Cosmetic Dental Website Isn’t Working for You

14 January 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If your cosmetic dental office isn't seeing as much business as you want, you probably need to revamp your dental website's design. On average, potential clients spend at least 10-20 seconds on your website before they decide to leave or stay. If your site lacks visual appeal or easy-to-find information right away, clients can and will leave as soon as they click on your link. In addition, website content that isn't trending or updated properly can also hurt your status online. Read More